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File Converter

Easily convert files to multiple format with our fast and reliable file convert service

CSV Converter

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CSV is a file extension that can store comma separated numeric and alpha numeric data in simple text format. CSV is used while data transferring and it can contain records contained with a lot of fields. Each record has same number of fields.

DOCX Converter

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DOCX is an XML based word processing file developed by Microsoft. DOCX files are different than DOC files as DOCX files store data in separate compressed files and folders. Earlier versions of Microsoft Office (earlier than Office 2007) do not support DOCX files because DOCX is XML based where the earlier versions save DOC file as a single binary file.

XLSX Converter

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XLS is Microsoft Excel spreadsheet file that stores data and manipulates several mathematical operations. It uses a visual basic operation to implement several numeric functions. This spreadsheet file is supported by most of the open source or proprietary spreadsheet software.

PPT Converter

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PPT is a presentation file format associated with Microsoft Power Point. This file extension can contain text, data, charts, diagrams, music and some other multimedia files. Although it is associated with Microsoft Office, it can be run on Open Office also.

HTML Converter

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HTML is a markup language that is used to create web pages. Web browsers can parse the HTML file. This file format use tags (e.g ) to build web contents. It can embed texts, image, heading, tables etc using the tags. Other markup languages like PHP, CSS etc can be used with html tags.

PDF Converter

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PDF is a document file format that contains text, images, data etc. This document type is Operating System independent. It is an open standard that compresses a document and vector graphics. It can be viewed in web browsers if the PDF plug-in is installed on the browser.